One of the first marks of civilization’s return was the renaissance of football. Football in the boroughs is played with a round, heavy, kicked ball. The Boroughs play on three teams. The Bronx and Brooklyn play for the Broilers. Harlem and Queens plays for the Mudders. Manhattan and the Airports play for the Towers. (Staten Island, the first jurisdiction, was abandoned due to wide spread fire before the Football leagues were established.)
There are two rules of football – no hand on ball or man. The ball is kicked from one end of the field to the other. When a ball is kicked into the goal, the team wins three mocks. If the referee sees a member of a team touching the ball, they are marked mock down one. If they see a player touching another player, they team is marked mock down two.
One game is played each Saturday, with the teams meeting each other successively. The best two out of three play on the fourth Saturday of each month.